Hello, sysops. Here is a small contribution to the general TriBBS community. LOGONx.ANS is an ANSI screen that can be used as a logon screen or as a bulletin. I use it as both on my board, The Stalag 13 BBS. Consider this offering as freeware. This hand built screen was literally created by typing in all the various ANSI codes using simple old MS-DOS EDIT.COM. It will display information to the user about his current account status and some general data about the board. The screen uses the @-variables to allow the screen to be self-updating whenever the caller views it. Considerable time was spent getting familiar with the various ANSI codes and getting things all lined up correctly and displaying properly. You may modify the information that this screen displays if you wish and I'm sure some of you will anyway. Simply replace the line titles with your own text and type in the @-variable you wish to use. I recommend that you use the overtype mode and simply over type the current text. Uses spaces to overtype any variable that is longer than the new one you choose to use. This will ensure that the spaces between the end of the @-variable and the start of the ANSI code on the data lines will remain the same. For the most part I have included enough space between the two pieces of data on each line to ensure you do not end up with black holes in your display screen. If this occurs, chances are you deleted a few too many spaces between the @-variable and the ANSI code when you altered the screen information. Simply insert some new spaces to line up the lines of ANSI code with those above and below it. That should take care of any holes that appear. Since this screen is a free contribution, all I ask is that you keep my innocuous bit of self-promotion near the bottom line as compesation for using this screen on your board. It isn't obtrusive and it will do wonders for my ego! This screen is brought to you through the courtesy of: The Stalag 13 BBS Reg. #719 2400-14.4K, ANSI,8N1 24 hours 7 days a week Keith Heitmann, Sysop